
Future Hearts Tour @ The Fillmore Auditorium, 5/9/15

All Time Low is one of my favorite bands to shoot jut because of how much fun they have on stage (and also because they always have really pretty lights). This show was a bunch of fun, though these aren't my favorite photos I've ever taken of ATL (or maybe I'm just a little hard on myself). This was also my first time shooting Tonight Alive, which was actually pretty challenging, both because of the lighting and because how much Jenna moves around, but I'm really happy with those photos. I also usually dislike shooting Issues because they are really hard to shoot, but I'm really happy with my photos of them, as well! They were so much fun and their pokemon setup was badass! And I will always love shooting State Champs and obnoxiously singing along while doing so, so I love my photos of them, too.

All in all, this show was amazing, even if the stage was taller than me, haha.