
So What?! Music Fest DAY 1, 3/19/16

Last month, I had the amazing opportunity to shoot my first ever out of state festival for my publication, The Prelude Press. There were so many incredible artists on So What?! Fest that I just couldn't pass it up and decided to give it shot, and two months later, I was on a flight to Texas. It was really cold and somehow I managed to both freeze my ass off and get sunburned on the same day, but it was totally worth it.

My boyfriend and editor (I know, power couple, right?) Dom and I flew in a few days before the festival to spend some time with family and adventure around the city. The day before the fest, we wandered around Dallas and took photos. It was all drizzly and beautiful, and I really want to back to the city and adventure more sometime soon.

The first day of So What?! was full of pop-punk bands. I was really excited to see Like Pacific (even though I got to catch them with Set Your Goals the night before in Dallas) and to shoot State Champs, New Found Glory and Neck deep again! 

Like Pacific

If you ever have a chance to catch these Like Pacific live, do it. They sound amazing. This was one of the first artists I shot this day, so I was still getting the hang of the stages, lighting and everything else that goes into shooting a festival, but I'm really happy with these photos. Also, can you say lens flare

Outline In Color

Capture The Crown

Major League

I was really excited to shoot Major League's set, as it would sadly be the last time I'd get to see them live, since their final tour isn't coming through Denver. I've also shot them before, but I've never really been super happy with my photos and I absolutely love these ones! I also bought a new lens right before leaving for So What?! and broke it out during their set and loved the results

Forever Came Calling



Too Close To Touch

I think if you know me, you know how stoked I am for Too Close To Touch. These guys are hands down some of the best people, and I'm so glad I got to catch their set at So What?!. They're going to kill it this year on Warped. If you're going, you have to check them out.



Miss May I

Miss May I are always fun to shoot, and I really love some of the close-up photos I got of Levi. This was a little different for me, as I usually focus on wide shots, and I'm really happy with the results.


Fenix TX


Unwritten Law

Real Friends

I haven't shot Real Friends since Warped 2014, and I was dying to do so again. They're just so much fun, and Dan is always all smiles. This was no exception. The sun was also starting to go down during their set, which basically made the stage glow. It was awesome. 

State Champs


Neck Deep

New Found Glory